There are a lot of ways to enjoy vaping without going broke. One way is to learn how to make your own juices and to rebuild coils on RBAs. The other is to make what you can in terms of accessories. It's not always possible, but some things can be done with just a little effort and very few tools. The e-juice holder. I call this the e-cigarette station. All that was needed was a 2x4, a package of 1/8" to 1" blade drill bits, and an electric drill.
Cut the 2x4 to the length desired (one of the great things about making your own vs buying one, is that you can make it exactly the size you need, and have as many slots in the exact sizes you need.)
Determine how many of each size hole you will need, and drill them to 3/4 the way through the 2x4 (I went as deep as the blade area of each drillbit).
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