Someone on an e-cigarette forum I like to visit often asked if others were planning on ever quitting vaping. For many people the idea is that it is a stepping stone to quitting cigarettes. I get that, but... it can be a faulty reasoning.
I didn't really start vaping with any intention of actually stopping smoking cigarettes. That just happened as a result of loving vaping.
However, The MAIN reason I would not quit vaping (even if you took away the I love it factor) is I managed to quit smoking without e-cigs about 20 years ago for a period of time that lasted about 2 years! ONE lapse that came from a craving that was a result of a big stress period in life and I was back to full on smoking immediately (you start at the same level or higher than you quit at, not like starting over from a newbie smoker). So in order to never risk such a backslide, I will just continue to do what I consider to be a much healthier alternative.
I know a lot of people are leery of saying it is a HEALTHY choice becuase of all the politics and bs going on nowadays, but I DO believe that. Even if it were still some risk, it's a hell of a lot less risky than those nasty coffin nails we KNOW are a big hazzard.
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