Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rebuilding Replaceable Heads for Attys and Tanks

Want to really save money vaping? Well DIY liquid is one way (an important way for sure), but there's another way too... rebuilding attomizers. There are specially made attomizers that are obviously rebuildable, but there are also many called rebuildables that require you to purchase the new heads each time you want a new wick. While those heads aren't exactly expensive, they can end up getting pricey if you think about them in terms of a weekly purchase and if you use more than one clearo or tank a week. I often have three or four a day that I interchange using. That means using about a box of heads (5 in a package) per week. Still not a huge expense compared to smoking cigarettes, but hey, I'm a proud card carrying member of the $1 a day vaper (and I prefer that to be pennies a day instead of a dollar). So I want to rebuild those heads too. YOU CAN. In fact it's sinfully easy.

MadVapes ( has an AWESOME video that shows exactly how to do it. Now before you shake your head and say that's way above my ability. I am BRAND new to building coils and I did this last night for my Vision Vivi Nova tank with replaceable heads (not the tank in the posts below that is a rebuildable). It took about 5 minutes. It was EASIER than the actual rebuildable tank.

Here is the video from Madvapes (thank you guys, you're wonderful... they are also a fantastic vendor to get DIY supplies, hardware and juices!)

1 comment:

  1. Lost Vape Mirage DNA75C Box Mod is designed by Lost Vape LTD. It is compatible with the single high drain 18650, 20700 and 21700 battery that can fire up to max 100W.
