Saturday, January 28, 2012

Yummy Chocolate--Chocolate Malt e-Juice from Blue Mist Vaping

I just got my first shipment of e-juice from Blue Mist Vaping. I haven't tried them all yet. In this order I got: chocolate malt, cherry cheesecake, menthol drops and they threw in a small sample of Jamaica Rum (very nice of them, and really smart promotional method too. Throw in a sample with each order and hope the user finds something they hadn't thought to order before).

My first load was the chocolate malt. Okay, I admit it, I'm a chocoholic, and I'm on a diet so chocolate is basically off limits. This is the next best thing. The chocolate malt is a very smooooooth flavor. I had to laugh because a few minutes after firing it up, my husband who was sitting in the room asked me if I was baking something (he didn't know what I had added to the carto). I said no why, and pointed to the e-cig and said "chocolate". He said it smelled like I was baking something in the kitchen. That's a pretty good endorsement. The smell, even though very good, like all vapors from e-cigs doesn't linger or hang around, get into fabrics or hair. It is gone in an instant.

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