(KGO e-cigarette with Smok Tech dual coil tank)
Dedicated to information regarding the health benefits and reviews of e-cigarettes
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I really like the chrome KGO with the tank on it. It's no different operationally, or quality wise than the black KGO with the tank on it--it just looks nicer (IMO). I think I like it better because the adapter (the fitting that hides the neck and connection between battery and tank) only comes in chrome, and kind of stands out on the other KGO colors. On the Chrome colored KGO it becomes part of the unit. They need to make a black (or gold since the black KGO has gold accents) tank adapters too.
dual coil tank,
Smok Tech,
Smok Tech dual coil tank
RAWR Chocolate Cherry E-Juice Review
I admit that I'm a chocoholic, and due to that, whenever I see a chocolate flavor, I have to try it. I especially love chocolate covered cherries, and am always hopeful that I'll find an e-juice that tastes exactly like that. So enter RAWRs Chocolate Cherry e-juice:
I've tried other versions of this, and could never really taste the cherry in it. I will give RAWR points for actually achieving a nice blend of chocolate with an exhale of cherry. The flavor is still a little milder than I'd like it to be. When it comes to chocolate and cherries, I really want a bold, standout, no mistaking it flavor, but so far, this is the closest I've come to finding a flavor that matches that of the real thing.
RAWR Chocolate Cherry: B
I've tried other versions of this, and could never really taste the cherry in it. I will give RAWR points for actually achieving a nice blend of chocolate with an exhale of cherry. The flavor is still a little milder than I'd like it to be. When it comes to chocolate and cherries, I really want a bold, standout, no mistaking it flavor, but so far, this is the closest I've come to finding a flavor that matches that of the real thing.
RAWR Chocolate Cherry: B
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
E-cigarette Makes an Appearance on "Two Broke Girls"!
In an overall positive light, the e-cigarette made its prime time debut (at least it's the first time I've ever seen one in a sit-com or series on regular TV. It had two brief but meaningful spots in the Monday Night series "Two Broke Girls." It was great to see it portrayed in an overall good light. Hopefully we'll see more of it in the weeks to come.
RAWR Truth Serum E-Juice Review
There are some e-juices you just have to order because of the name. That's the way it was with "Truth Serum" from RAWR. I couldn't help myself. I saw it in a post someone else made, and just had to try it.
I have to say I was quite surprised to find it had a slight fruit undertone, but was overall a very mild vape. I did order it with low menthol. It was suggested on the site, and you can choose from several levels of menthol. I'm not a huge fan of heavy menthol, but the single hit of mild menthol flavor is very nice, and probably adds a bit to the fruity flavor. Overall a very nice vape.
RAWR Truth Serum: A
I have to say I was quite surprised to find it had a slight fruit undertone, but was overall a very mild vape. I did order it with low menthol. It was suggested on the site, and you can choose from several levels of menthol. I'm not a huge fan of heavy menthol, but the single hit of mild menthol flavor is very nice, and probably adds a bit to the fruity flavor. Overall a very nice vape.
RAWR Truth Serum: A
Monday, February 6, 2012
Keeping an Eye Out for Symptoms
When you're new at trying something, you tend to worry over possible reactions, and are alert to symptoms. So far, with e-cigarettes I've had a very easy transaction from smoking to vaping, and feel much better--in general. However, I did have an unusual side-effect the other day. For about 2 days, I had an annoying twitch in my left eye. I immediately attributed it to the high 24mg of nicotine I've been vaping in order to conquer my cravings for cigarettes. Any less mg and I start to think and want cigarettes, so I've been keeping the levels at 24mg, and thought maybe it was catching up to me.
I tried lowering the nicotine content since I had a few samples of lesser strengths, but nothing really seemed to work long. Then someone on the ECF board mentioned a possible reaction to certain flavors or levels of PG or VG, the glycerin bases used to make e-liquids. Since all of my juices come in various mixtures of PG and VG, and I hadn't had any reaction to them up to the time the twitching started, I discounted a possible reaction to either of those. However, the flavor thought really hit home. The twitching started right after a new batch of e-juices in new flavors came in the mail, and I had been vaping Chocolate Liqueur very heavily.
I like the Chocolate Liqueur, its a very strong chocolate flavor, and by now you know I like chocolate, lol. Unfortunately, it seems that this particular flavor is a problem for me, at least used heavily. I am not throwing it out, since I do like it, but am going to try and see if after a while, I can't vape it occasionally, just not over a long period of time. Since changing out my flavor, (and I've used several others since) I haven't had any twitching problems at all in my eye (or anywhere else). I'm sure glad it was as simple as a flavor reaction, and not a problem with other aspects of the e-cigarette that I really enjoy, and has allowed me to be free of the stinky cancer sticks.
My KGO Collection is Growing
I originally ordered my KGO starter kit in chrome, but the company sent me black instead. I like the two black KGOs that came with the starter kit very much, and the gold accents make it very attractive. However, I couldn't shake the fact that I wanted chrome to start with from my mind, so I ordered a single KGO e-cigarette chrome battery with chrome collar and it came today.
I have to say that it really is a fingerprint magnet as someone mentioned on a post on ECF. It's pretty though. It will look really nice with the chrome adapter and tank. I can't comment on how it works since it is still getting its first charge, but I'm sure it will live up to the KGO name as my other two do. I don't know why they don't just call this silver, or stainless steel, when I see pictures of the "chrome" KGOs on the various sites it looks like it has a gold tint, but it must just be the reflections in it as you can see at the bottom of the picture here. It is actually just silver. I wish they still made the "gold" KGO, but I haven't seen that one in any of the purchase lists, although one site still mentions that color as one of the options (it isn't in their actual purchase list though).
I have to say that it really is a fingerprint magnet as someone mentioned on a post on ECF. It's pretty though. It will look really nice with the chrome adapter and tank. I can't comment on how it works since it is still getting its first charge, but I'm sure it will live up to the KGO name as my other two do. I don't know why they don't just call this silver, or stainless steel, when I see pictures of the "chrome" KGOs on the various sites it looks like it has a gold tint, but it must just be the reflections in it as you can see at the bottom of the picture here. It is actually just silver. I wish they still made the "gold" KGO, but I haven't seen that one in any of the purchase lists, although one site still mentions that color as one of the options (it isn't in their actual purchase list though).
Review of Blue Mist Vaping's Peach E-Juice
It seems that Blue Mist Vaping is one of my favorite e-juice companies, and it is. Not only are their juices largely very good, they are also very reasonably priced. That has let me get quite a collection of various flavors quickly. Today I tried their "Peach" and I have to say it's one of my favorites.
Peach is very distinct and the flavor lasts throughout the carto. I've had many flavors that were good the first hit or two, then faded into vapor so to speak. Not this one. The peachiness comes through every time. I really like that about this one.
Blue Mist Vaping "Peach": A+
Peach is very distinct and the flavor lasts throughout the carto. I've had many flavors that were good the first hit or two, then faded into vapor so to speak. Not this one. The peachiness comes through every time. I really like that about this one.
Blue Mist Vaping "Peach": A+
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Smok Tech Dual Coil Tank Kit Review
I've heard a lot about tanks, and how they really cut down on constantly topping off cartos, so I just had to try one. Not to mention they just look cool. So I purchased the Smok Tech Dual Coil Tank Kit from Hoosier E-Cig Supply. I'll say one thing for Brant from Hoosier: he sure does ship things out fast. I barely pressed submit on the order form before I got the shipping confirmation. He's great, and the tank is pretty awesome.
To start with, I bought the smaller of the two tank kits offered by Smok Tech. It is a 3.5 mil tank, although I'm not sure it actually holds that much. I'd say more like 2 in the tank, unless they are adding what is held inside the carto as well. Then I can see it being 3.5 mil.
It's an attractive tank. I like the way it looks on my pv. It comes with the clear drip tip pictured. That's kind of neat as well because it's a little longer than the drip tips I've found online and ordered. It is a tight fitting little thing though. You have to really press it on the end of the carto.
Okay, now on to the actual review of the Smok Teck Dual Coil tank. So far--no leaks! That's a really cool thing. However, this is not something we ladies can toss in a purse. It WILL leak if turned completely upside down. (Learned from experience).
The tank is pretty easy to fill following standard tank filling methods that you can find on youtube.
The downsides: I've heard that heavy juices work well in the tank, but I'm not finding that to be true. I can't get my 60% VG e-juice to flow. There is a solution to that, and that's to punch a slightly bigger hole in the carto. The pre-punched hole is way down at the bottom of the tank in the cartomizer. It's very VERY tiny. I switched out the heavier juice for a 30% VG blend, and that does seem to be working.
This may also just be a carto issue. I'll update the review here if it turns out that any of the replacement cartos can pull in the heavier juices.
UPDATE: I didn't even wait. The carto I was using was burning up from lack of fluid. If you buy this tank, and have to get the pre-punched cartos that come with it. PUNCH a BIGGER hole in it! I did that (although I broke out a new pre-punched carto) and it is working like a CHAMP.
I am not sure yet if I can use just regular LR dual coil cartos with this tank because it has that flange groove underneath it. However, I may try that since I have to punch out holes anyway, I may as well use cheaper cartos and just punch the holes in them myself from the start.
Taste: I'm finding that what I've heard about tanks dulling the flavor of the ejuices to be somewhat true. However, unfortunately it does 't dull a bad tasting juice all that well. If you have some very strong e-juice that you like, but find overpowering, here's a good way to use it.
The taste also improved now that the suction is working better through the bigger holes. This is even with my 20% VG e-juice, so not extremely thick.
In addition to the tank, I also purchased the adapter thread so it would look nice on my KGO. The adapter is NOT necessary for using the tank. It is simply ornamental, but nice to have when you want your e-cigarette to look good in public. Here's a picture of the KGO with the tank and adapter thread.
If you look at the base of the tank, right above the button on the battery, you'll see that with the adapter it is a smooth line from the battery up to the tank instead of being able to see the battery neck and threads like you can above.
The only drawback to the adapter is that it only comes (at least from Hoosier) in chrome, so it will kind of stand out a little on the darker or other colored KGOs. Since I just ordered a chrome KGO I'm not worried about it though. It will look sharp on there.
Overall: Smok Tech Dual Coil Tank -- A for the tank, C for the pre-punched cartos.
I may upgrade that if the draw issue ends up just being a less than perfect carto.
To start with, I bought the smaller of the two tank kits offered by Smok Tech. It is a 3.5 mil tank, although I'm not sure it actually holds that much. I'd say more like 2 in the tank, unless they are adding what is held inside the carto as well. Then I can see it being 3.5 mil.
It's an attractive tank. I like the way it looks on my pv. It comes with the clear drip tip pictured. That's kind of neat as well because it's a little longer than the drip tips I've found online and ordered. It is a tight fitting little thing though. You have to really press it on the end of the carto.
Okay, now on to the actual review of the Smok Teck Dual Coil tank. So far--no leaks! That's a really cool thing. However, this is not something we ladies can toss in a purse. It WILL leak if turned completely upside down. (Learned from experience).
The tank is pretty easy to fill following standard tank filling methods that you can find on youtube.
The downsides: I've heard that heavy juices work well in the tank, but I'm not finding that to be true. I can't get my 60% VG e-juice to flow. There is a solution to that, and that's to punch a slightly bigger hole in the carto. The pre-punched hole is way down at the bottom of the tank in the cartomizer. It's very VERY tiny. I switched out the heavier juice for a 30% VG blend, and that does seem to be working.
This may also just be a carto issue. I'll update the review here if it turns out that any of the replacement cartos can pull in the heavier juices.
UPDATE: I didn't even wait. The carto I was using was burning up from lack of fluid. If you buy this tank, and have to get the pre-punched cartos that come with it. PUNCH a BIGGER hole in it! I did that (although I broke out a new pre-punched carto) and it is working like a CHAMP.
I am not sure yet if I can use just regular LR dual coil cartos with this tank because it has that flange groove underneath it. However, I may try that since I have to punch out holes anyway, I may as well use cheaper cartos and just punch the holes in them myself from the start.
Taste: I'm finding that what I've heard about tanks dulling the flavor of the ejuices to be somewhat true. However, unfortunately it does 't dull a bad tasting juice all that well. If you have some very strong e-juice that you like, but find overpowering, here's a good way to use it.
The taste also improved now that the suction is working better through the bigger holes. This is even with my 20% VG e-juice, so not extremely thick.
In addition to the tank, I also purchased the adapter thread so it would look nice on my KGO. The adapter is NOT necessary for using the tank. It is simply ornamental, but nice to have when you want your e-cigarette to look good in public. Here's a picture of the KGO with the tank and adapter thread.
If you look at the base of the tank, right above the button on the battery, you'll see that with the adapter it is a smooth line from the battery up to the tank instead of being able to see the battery neck and threads like you can above.
The only drawback to the adapter is that it only comes (at least from Hoosier) in chrome, so it will kind of stand out a little on the darker or other colored KGOs. Since I just ordered a chrome KGO I'm not worried about it though. It will look sharp on there.
Overall: Smok Tech Dual Coil Tank -- A for the tank, C for the pre-punched cartos.
I may upgrade that if the draw issue ends up just being a less than perfect carto.
dual coil tank,
Hoosier E-Cig Supply,
Smok Tech,
Smok Tech dual coil tank,
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
My Review of Copper Creek Chocolate Chip Cookies and Black Raspberry e-Juices
I just got my shipment of e-juices from Copper Creek. As usual, I only ordered a couple until I saw how they were. I am impressed!
The basics: You can choose your level of nicotine when you select each of the flavors, but they are all the same PG/VG mix. I was a little worried because the VG level was a little higher than I normally buy. Copper Creek uses a 40/60 PG to VG ratio. I usually buy 80/20. VG is pretty "sweet" and thought higher levels than the 20 I usually purchased would be too sweet, ESPECIALLY a 60% level. It's actually very good though.
You can't beat the price either. Each bottle is $9.00 which seems like a lot, but it's for 15ml making it a very reasonably priced e-juice. I also like when e-juice manufacturers use regular caps instead of child-proof caps. I understand the need for child-proof, BUT I have no children here, and those cp caps are a pain to open.
You can't beat the price either. Each bottle is $9.00 which seems like a lot, but it's for 15ml making it a very reasonably priced e-juice. I also like when e-juice manufacturers use regular caps instead of child-proof caps. I understand the need for child-proof, BUT I have no children here, and those cp caps are a pain to open.
Chocolate Chip Cookie
This is a VERY rich, thick chocolate taste with the cookie dough taste on the exhale. I like it a LOT.
Black Raspberry
Since I like black raspberries, I wasn't surprised that I liked this very authentic flavor. What did surprise me is that I liked it almost more than the chocolate chip cookie flavor. You may be able to tell how much I like it by the level of juice left in the bottle as compared to the level of juice left in the chocolate chip cookie bottle, and that's just from today. It has a very distinct black raspberry flavor that is just strong enough to linger. I've tried other berry blends from other companies, and the flavor was usually somewhat weak. You could taste it, but it didn't stay even for the length of time the vapor was present.
Both of these flavors were GREAT right out of the package. I just shook them up a little and dropped them on my atomizer. Once I determined they were excellent, I loaded them each into a cartomizer for further vaping.
Okay, now for the Boooooo:
I was happy to receive a sample with my order. That's always a nice touch from an e-juice manufacturer. It's good advertising too... usually. Not so much this time. While I was very impressed that not only did they send a sample, they sent one in my perferred nicotine level (unlike Blue Mist that sent a sample in a MUCH lower nic level: still a good practice, but not quite as impressive), I can't say I was super impressed with the flavor though. Copper Creek sent me a sample of Irish Creme.
On first drag, okay, I liked it. Then I exhaled.
Ewwww. Seriously, I had to fight off the gag as I tried to suck it out of my atomizer. Thank heavens I didn't waste a carto on it.
Now, I'll say that it may just be me, and all taste is individual. I don't like whiskey, and I think that was the exhale flavor. I gave it to my son who thought it was fine, so he has a nice little sample.
Overall: Copper Creek e-Juices -- A+
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
So Close and Yet So Far
Most of the e-juices I've bought so far have been economy priced juices. They've been good, but I've been really anxious to see if the "top shelf" juices are better. I spent a bit of money building a good supply of the affordable stuff, but just the last two days have added several orders of the top-of-the-line price wise juices. One of them was shipped yesterday, and as of this morning it showed up at my local post office branch according to the tracking page for usps. However, it got there after 10 am (10:30 am) so it didn't make the delivery for today... dang. It will be here tomorrow, but how much of a tease is that? It's only 8 blocks away!!! So close, and yet so far.
New Design on "Vapevine's" e-Cigarette Vaping Apparel
I added a new design to my shop. There are lots of different style t-s in men's and women's styles, as well as a coffee mug.
My Review of the KGO e-cigarette
Again, I am just letting you all know, none of these reviews, this one included are paid for in any way. They are just my experiences with new equipment I've purchased to get started in my e-cigarette life. Thanks to these delightful pieces, I've been tobacco free for 2 weeks now!
My Review of the KGO E-Cigarette
I purchased my KGO starter kit from Northwest Vapors, but there are several vendors out there with equally good deals on starter kits for this powerful little model.
After a little over a week of being a slave to my battery charger with the smaller Nebula (which I still like a lot), I decided it was time to try one of the "big boys" on the block, and after much consideration, chose the KGO.

The KGO is a very attractive piece. It is about 2 times big around as the Nebula and about the same length (the drip tip on top was an add-on that did not come with the actual kit). Even though the KGO is about twice as heavy as the Nebula it is easy to handle.
The biggest differences with the KGO are the fact that it is a manual battery for one, and much more powerful and longer lasting.
The KGO is a 1100mah battery, meaning it will have about an 11 - 12 hour running life even at the heaviest vaping. Compared to the smaller pen-style automatics like the Nebula with its 2.5 hour use life, that's amazing.
Of course, it is rechargable, but now I don't have to feel like I am always charging batteries.
The 1100mah batteries are also a ton more powerful. It operates at 3.7 volts and can use dual cartomizers which produce a lot more heat, therefore a lot more vapor with each draw.
With a manual you don't have to do the ritual primer puffs that you with an automatic battery, and because of the massive power, you don't have to take long draws to get huge amounts of vapor.
The KGO Kit:
2 KGO 1100mah/3.7 volt batteries
2 atomizers
2 atomizer sleeves
USB/AC charger
(Sorry the picture is so dark)
The KGO kit from Northwest Vapors also comes with 6 preloaded cartridges of various strengths, but I didn't care for the juice in them, and I don't plan on using cartridges anyway. I prefer cartomizers or plain dripping with the atomizers.
Using the KGO
Wow what a difference! Besides the battery life issue, the entire vaping experience changes with such power. I didn't think I'd like having to push a button to turn it on every time I vaped, but it really isn't an issue at all.
The KGO locks (5 fast clicks on the button turns it off completely) so that it won't turn on by being bumped in a purse or pocket. Turning it back on is easy (the same 5 fast clicks). That's a cool safety feature.
I love the freedom to be able to "sample" e-liquids before filling an entire cartomizer with them too. I just use the atomizer alone, and drip liquid into it to taste it first. Then if I like it, I can load up a cartomizer and go.
I have ordered a few extra accessories to go with this. They should be here in a day or two. Along with extra empty cartomizers (colored and clear: that should be interesting), I've also ordered:
A lanyard to carry it around my neck anywhere
A carrying case that also holds extra cartomizers and e-juice bottles, etc.
A 3.5 ml tank (a really new experience that will alleviate all the constant refilling of cartomizers)
A few more drip tips in different colors
Lots of fun, and best of all, I'm cigarette free and not missing them at all!
The KGO--AA+
My Review of the KGO E-Cigarette
I purchased my KGO starter kit from Northwest Vapors, but there are several vendors out there with equally good deals on starter kits for this powerful little model.
After a little over a week of being a slave to my battery charger with the smaller Nebula (which I still like a lot), I decided it was time to try one of the "big boys" on the block, and after much consideration, chose the KGO.

The KGO is a very attractive piece. It is about 2 times big around as the Nebula and about the same length (the drip tip on top was an add-on that did not come with the actual kit). Even though the KGO is about twice as heavy as the Nebula it is easy to handle.
The biggest differences with the KGO are the fact that it is a manual battery for one, and much more powerful and longer lasting.
The KGO is a 1100mah battery, meaning it will have about an 11 - 12 hour running life even at the heaviest vaping. Compared to the smaller pen-style automatics like the Nebula with its 2.5 hour use life, that's amazing.
Of course, it is rechargable, but now I don't have to feel like I am always charging batteries.
The 1100mah batteries are also a ton more powerful. It operates at 3.7 volts and can use dual cartomizers which produce a lot more heat, therefore a lot more vapor with each draw.
With a manual you don't have to do the ritual primer puffs that you with an automatic battery, and because of the massive power, you don't have to take long draws to get huge amounts of vapor.
The KGO Kit:
2 KGO 1100mah/3.7 volt batteries
2 atomizers
2 atomizer sleeves
USB/AC charger
(Sorry the picture is so dark)
The KGO kit from Northwest Vapors also comes with 6 preloaded cartridges of various strengths, but I didn't care for the juice in them, and I don't plan on using cartridges anyway. I prefer cartomizers or plain dripping with the atomizers.
Using the KGO
Wow what a difference! Besides the battery life issue, the entire vaping experience changes with such power. I didn't think I'd like having to push a button to turn it on every time I vaped, but it really isn't an issue at all.
The KGO locks (5 fast clicks on the button turns it off completely) so that it won't turn on by being bumped in a purse or pocket. Turning it back on is easy (the same 5 fast clicks). That's a cool safety feature.
I love the freedom to be able to "sample" e-liquids before filling an entire cartomizer with them too. I just use the atomizer alone, and drip liquid into it to taste it first. Then if I like it, I can load up a cartomizer and go.
I have ordered a few extra accessories to go with this. They should be here in a day or two. Along with extra empty cartomizers (colored and clear: that should be interesting), I've also ordered:
A lanyard to carry it around my neck anywhere
A carrying case that also holds extra cartomizers and e-juice bottles, etc.
A 3.5 ml tank (a really new experience that will alleviate all the constant refilling of cartomizers)
A few more drip tips in different colors
Lots of fun, and best of all, I'm cigarette free and not missing them at all!
The KGO--AA+
Dr Vapor Videos
I love this guy's youtube videos. Dr. Vapor, a real life doctor, has many wonderful and informative e-cigarette videos, and he's got a fun sense of humor too!
Here's another great video from a different youtube poster that is awesome too:
Here's another great video from a different youtube poster that is awesome too:
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Washing Cartomizers
Yes, they're disposable, and yes they're cheap, but for those of us on a budget, getting the most out of each one is important. I decided to try washing out used cartomizers that I used all last week and were getting overloaded, not to mention that one of them had a menthol tobacco in it that was WHEW overpowering (my own mix so I have no one to blame but myself). I managed to make a new more tolerable menthol but was left with a carto that I was not going to be able to use, so I threw that into the used cartos too.
The cleaning method I used:
I took off the end cap, mouth-piece of each cartomizer.
I boiled a pot of water.
I put the cartos in a bowl, and poured the boiling water over them.
I swirled the cartos around a few times, then took a tongs and grabbed each one and ran it under a faucet of HOT water for several minutes each.
I placed all of the washed cartomizers in a pie tin and put them in the oven at 175 degrees for a hour.
Let them sit for another 8 hours, and loaded one up... vapes very nice.
The one that didn't. The menthol cartomizer still smells like strong menthol. I should have washed that a few times. That may not even have done the trick, so I'm down one, but that's better than being down 5.
The cleaning method I used:
I took off the end cap, mouth-piece of each cartomizer.
I boiled a pot of water.
I put the cartos in a bowl, and poured the boiling water over them.
I swirled the cartos around a few times, then took a tongs and grabbed each one and ran it under a faucet of HOT water for several minutes each.
I placed all of the washed cartomizers in a pie tin and put them in the oven at 175 degrees for a hour.
Let them sit for another 8 hours, and loaded one up... vapes very nice.
The one that didn't. The menthol cartomizer still smells like strong menthol. I should have washed that a few times. That may not even have done the trick, so I'm down one, but that's better than being down 5.
Quitting One Cigarette at a Time, or All At Once: Does it Matter?
Technically, I'd say no. If you vape and smoke, and gradually cut down the number of "real" cigarettes you smoke each day, week or month, that is that much less harmful toxins and carcinogens you are inhaling.
If you find that you're craving cigarettes while you vape, consider using a higher nicotine level e-juice. The brand I started out with only had an 11mg strength at the highest, and I liked it okay, but it was not killing the cravings for cigarettes. I bought a different model, and found that most standard pre-filled cartomizers, and e-juices come in higher levels including 18gm, 24mg and 30mg. I chose 24mg and all of my cravings stopped. All of them.
Recently I bought some new juice and thought I could get away with a lower level, and bought it in 16mg. That was a mistake. It's okay to try and cut back on the nicotine levels gradually, but do it slower. The cravings came back, although not really intensely. I was able to resist, and thankfully had some 24mg e-juice still, so I alternated between them throughout the day and killed all the cravings.
Since stopping smoking 7 days ago, my sinuses have cleared up, I have stopped that nasty, hacking smoker's cough and I feel great. There hasn't been any of the horrible withdrawals I've had when trying to quit tobacco cigarettes in the past. E-cigarettes are fantastic!
If you find that you're craving cigarettes while you vape, consider using a higher nicotine level e-juice. The brand I started out with only had an 11mg strength at the highest, and I liked it okay, but it was not killing the cravings for cigarettes. I bought a different model, and found that most standard pre-filled cartomizers, and e-juices come in higher levels including 18gm, 24mg and 30mg. I chose 24mg and all of my cravings stopped. All of them.
Recently I bought some new juice and thought I could get away with a lower level, and bought it in 16mg. That was a mistake. It's okay to try and cut back on the nicotine levels gradually, but do it slower. The cravings came back, although not really intensely. I was able to resist, and thankfully had some 24mg e-juice still, so I alternated between them throughout the day and killed all the cravings.
Since stopping smoking 7 days ago, my sinuses have cleared up, I have stopped that nasty, hacking smoker's cough and I feel great. There hasn't been any of the horrible withdrawals I've had when trying to quit tobacco cigarettes in the past. E-cigarettes are fantastic!
There's Nothing To It
That's what I thought when I looked into the idea of using an e-cigarette to kick the nasty butt habit of smoking tobacco cigarettes. It really did seem simple enough. Then I wandered into the world of serious vapers and ...
...well let's say the learning curve is a lot steeper than it looks like at the start. It's worth it though, and already all of the abbreviations and methods are getting clearer. It's a brave new world, but definitely a world worth learning about. If you want to visit one of the most informative places you could ever hope for, with a bunch of folks who are amazing and helpful, check out ECF - the World's Largest E-Cigarette Forum.
...well let's say the learning curve is a lot steeper than it looks like at the start. It's worth it though, and already all of the abbreviations and methods are getting clearer. It's a brave new world, but definitely a world worth learning about. If you want to visit one of the most informative places you could ever hope for, with a bunch of folks who are amazing and helpful, check out ECF - the World's Largest E-Cigarette Forum.
Vaping T-Shirt: Check it Out E-Cigarette Lovers!
I made these for anyone who wants to wear something to proudly proclaim their victory over smoking, and how E-cigarettes help you quit!
They are available in several styles including the long-sleeve t pictured, short-sleeve t, and no-sleeve t. (I've also added a water-bottle w/logo, wallets, tote bags and long-sleeved sweatshirts and hoodies.)
Click on picture to go to the store page.
They are available in several styles including the long-sleeve t pictured, short-sleeve t, and no-sleeve t. (I've also added a water-bottle w/logo, wallets, tote bags and long-sleeved sweatshirts and hoodies.)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
1 Week Free of Cigarettes
Thanks to the journey I started a week ago with my e-cigarette, I have been smoke free for 1 whole week, and not missing them a bit. I haven't had any of the common withdrawal symptoms I've had in the past when attempting to quit, both cold turkey and with aids like the patch.
E-cigarettes work, and they are generally far less expensive as well!
E-cigarettes work, and they are generally far less expensive as well!
The Monster (e-cig battery)
Another new addition to my e-cig equipment is the "monster" Nebula battery.
An extra-long KR808D-1 battery that fits Nebula cartomizers, but is about an inch and a half longer. It is supposed to have a longer battery life.
It came fully charged like the smaller "regular" version. So we'll see if it has longer staying power, and how long it takes to charge once it is out.
An extra-long KR808D-1 battery that fits Nebula cartomizers, but is about an inch and a half longer. It is supposed to have a longer battery life.
It came fully charged like the smaller "regular" version. So we'll see if it has longer staying power, and how long it takes to charge once it is out.
monster Nebula e-cigarette,
Nebula batteries,
Yummy Chocolate--Chocolate Malt e-Juice from Blue Mist Vaping
I just got my first shipment of e-juice from Blue Mist Vaping. I haven't tried them all yet. In this order I got: chocolate malt, cherry cheesecake, menthol drops and they threw in a small sample of Jamaica Rum (very nice of them, and really smart promotional method too. Throw in a sample with each order and hope the user finds something they hadn't thought to order before).
My first load was the chocolate malt. Okay, I admit it, I'm a chocoholic, and I'm on a diet so chocolate is basically off limits. This is the next best thing. The chocolate malt is a very smooooooth flavor. I had to laugh because a few minutes after firing it up, my husband who was sitting in the room asked me if I was baking something (he didn't know what I had added to the carto). I said no why, and pointed to the e-cig and said "chocolate". He said it smelled like I was baking something in the kitchen. That's a pretty good endorsement. The smell, even though very good, like all vapors from e-cigs doesn't linger or hang around, get into fabrics or hair. It is gone in an instant.
My first load was the chocolate malt. Okay, I admit it, I'm a chocoholic, and I'm on a diet so chocolate is basically off limits. This is the next best thing. The chocolate malt is a very smooooooth flavor. I had to laugh because a few minutes after firing it up, my husband who was sitting in the room asked me if I was baking something (he didn't know what I had added to the carto). I said no why, and pointed to the e-cig and said "chocolate". He said it smelled like I was baking something in the kitchen. That's a pretty good endorsement. The smell, even though very good, like all vapors from e-cigs doesn't linger or hang around, get into fabrics or hair. It is gone in an instant.
blue mist e-juice,
chocolate e-juice,
Review of the Nebula from VaporNine
First I want to say that I am not getting paid in any way (product or cash) for the reviews on e-cigarettes I am doing. I am searching on my own for a product that will help me quit smoking cigarettes, and I've found it.
The first e-cig was good, but not good enough to provide the satisfaction that allowed me to completely give up cigarettes. It did help me cut down, but then I found the Nebula.
At the very base of this product is a KR808D-1. While the K808 as it is sometimes called is not as versatile or customizable as a 501 or 510 base unit, it is plenty versatile in that you can find cartomizers at almost any reputable vendor and get chargers, drip tips and other add-ons for it. The ability to shop around for the best price, or pick up a pack of cartomizers (the part that resembles a cigarette's filter, and holds the juice and atomizer in this two-piece unit) when you buy juice at any vendor makes it very convenient.
As for the basic KR808D-1 model, there are a LOT of e-cigarettes out there being sold under various brand names using this model, so the Nebula is not necessarily "unique" but in the world of "pen-style" closely resembling what those using e-cigarettes (calling themselves vapers) call analog cigarettes, the KR808D-1 has a very solid reputation for being reliable and producing good results.
I didn't know that when I found the Nebula on the VaporNine.com website. I found out afterwards while I waited, and I was then very anxious to recieve my starter kit. What I did know when I found the VaporNine.com website was that I hadn't seen this kit for a better price anywhere!
On the VaporNine website, the Nebula starter kit is $29.95. That's the lowest I saw anywhere. Of course, you have to pay shipping and taxes, but it is still an amazing value.
Shipping was very fast. They sent out the kit the day after I ordered, and I got it two postal business days later (can't count Sundays).
What You Get
In the box (which is very attractive and makes a good storage unit for the kit) there are two KR808D-1 batteries, one USB charger and an AC adapter so you can charge the battery (only one at a time) either using a computer or from any wall outlet, and a set of 5 cartomizers come along with the kit. You can choose any flavor they stock, or regular tobacco flavors in varying strengths of nicotine.
I chose their Blueberry in a 24mg strength.
The Results
I LOVE this e-cigarette! The very first day I was down to just 3 "analog" cigarettes, and the next day just one, and I haven't had a single one today (the third day) and I don't have any desire for one!
The flavoring in the blueberry is very mild. I'd say a bit too mild, I would have liked a stronger flavor, but I also bought 3 - 10ml bottles of Carolina tobacco 24 mg juice to refill and that is very satisfying. The blueberry is plenty satisfying as a nicotine replacement, and I don't crave cigarettes anymore even with that, it's just the flavoring I had a little issue with.
The actual e-cig Nebula unit is fantastic for a small battery style unit. It produces easy vapor with low resistance. Not the lung-pulling inhalation of the last e-cig I tried. The biggest drawback is the small cigarette sized batteries do not last long. It takes 2 hours to charge them, and they only last about 2.5 or 3 hours depending on use. I do use them heavily in general though. On the upside, there are two of them, so I can keep things in rotation fairly comfortably. I did order a few extra batteries that I'm waiting on, one is called the "monster" that is supposed to give some extra time. I'll let you know how that works when I get it.
Overall, I'm very happy with the way this works and you can't beat the price! I have a 510 3.7v unit coming that I ordered today. I figured I'd use that at home for much longer, stronger vapeing time, but I won't be giving up my Nebula any time soon. It's great for when you're on the go, and just a nice size for casual daily vaping. The bigger unit I am hoping will give me a little break on the charging though.
Conclusion: If you're new to vapeing, and want a PV (personal vaporizer/e-cigarette) that works great and is very affordable, you can't beat this.
The first e-cig was good, but not good enough to provide the satisfaction that allowed me to completely give up cigarettes. It did help me cut down, but then I found the Nebula.
At the very base of this product is a KR808D-1. While the K808 as it is sometimes called is not as versatile or customizable as a 501 or 510 base unit, it is plenty versatile in that you can find cartomizers at almost any reputable vendor and get chargers, drip tips and other add-ons for it. The ability to shop around for the best price, or pick up a pack of cartomizers (the part that resembles a cigarette's filter, and holds the juice and atomizer in this two-piece unit) when you buy juice at any vendor makes it very convenient.
As for the basic KR808D-1 model, there are a LOT of e-cigarettes out there being sold under various brand names using this model, so the Nebula is not necessarily "unique" but in the world of "pen-style" closely resembling what those using e-cigarettes (calling themselves vapers) call analog cigarettes, the KR808D-1 has a very solid reputation for being reliable and producing good results.
I didn't know that when I found the Nebula on the VaporNine.com website. I found out afterwards while I waited, and I was then very anxious to recieve my starter kit. What I did know when I found the VaporNine.com website was that I hadn't seen this kit for a better price anywhere!
On the VaporNine website, the Nebula starter kit is $29.95. That's the lowest I saw anywhere. Of course, you have to pay shipping and taxes, but it is still an amazing value.
Shipping was very fast. They sent out the kit the day after I ordered, and I got it two postal business days later (can't count Sundays).
What You Get
In the box (which is very attractive and makes a good storage unit for the kit) there are two KR808D-1 batteries, one USB charger and an AC adapter so you can charge the battery (only one at a time) either using a computer or from any wall outlet, and a set of 5 cartomizers come along with the kit. You can choose any flavor they stock, or regular tobacco flavors in varying strengths of nicotine.
I chose their Blueberry in a 24mg strength.
The Results
I LOVE this e-cigarette! The very first day I was down to just 3 "analog" cigarettes, and the next day just one, and I haven't had a single one today (the third day) and I don't have any desire for one!
The flavoring in the blueberry is very mild. I'd say a bit too mild, I would have liked a stronger flavor, but I also bought 3 - 10ml bottles of Carolina tobacco 24 mg juice to refill and that is very satisfying. The blueberry is plenty satisfying as a nicotine replacement, and I don't crave cigarettes anymore even with that, it's just the flavoring I had a little issue with.
The actual e-cig Nebula unit is fantastic for a small battery style unit. It produces easy vapor with low resistance. Not the lung-pulling inhalation of the last e-cig I tried. The biggest drawback is the small cigarette sized batteries do not last long. It takes 2 hours to charge them, and they only last about 2.5 or 3 hours depending on use. I do use them heavily in general though. On the upside, there are two of them, so I can keep things in rotation fairly comfortably. I did order a few extra batteries that I'm waiting on, one is called the "monster" that is supposed to give some extra time. I'll let you know how that works when I get it.
Overall, I'm very happy with the way this works and you can't beat the price! I have a 510 3.7v unit coming that I ordered today. I figured I'd use that at home for much longer, stronger vapeing time, but I won't be giving up my Nebula any time soon. It's great for when you're on the go, and just a nice size for casual daily vaping. The bigger unit I am hoping will give me a little break on the charging though.
Conclusion: If you're new to vapeing, and want a PV (personal vaporizer/e-cigarette) that works great and is very affordable, you can't beat this.
My Review of the E-cigsbrand E-cig
I received the E-Cig in the mail on Saturday. It is a nice looking piece. One of the most "cigarette" looking styles of electronic cigarette.
The starter kit comes with one battery (the long white part of the cigarette), and 2 cartomizers (the filter looking part of the cigarette that holds the nicotine soaked filter and the heating element), 1 USB charger and 1 case to hold the battery and 2 cartomizers.
The Cons
It is a high resistance type. That means you have to suck harder to get anything out of it. Some people like that. I prefer less resistance.
The battery lasts about 6 to 8 hours. Not bad for an e-cigarette, but not great. It takes about 2 hours to charge. That wouldn't be bad if the starter kit came with two batteries, but it only comes with one. That means a 2 hours down time unless you have something to take it's place.
It only comes with a USB charger so unless you are near your computer, and it is on, you can't charge it. Many kits also come with an AC wall adapter that you can plug the USB plug into and charge it anywhere you have an outlet.
Replacement cartomizers are VERY expensive. They don't tell you that you can refill the existing cartomizers, and do not sell the liquids. However, you can buy refill nicotine liquid from any supplier and use it to refill the e-cig cartomizers. There is a limit to how often you can refill a cartomizer before it is spent, however, so you will eventually have to buy some. I have yet to find out if other brand cartomizers fit with this battery. If it is a 501 then there are other options for refills that will cost a LOT less.
The biggest "con" is that the e-cig company automatically enrolls you in a refill subscription before you even have a chance to try the starter kit. They say you can stop the automatic refill by emailing or calling them. I have emailed them. I'll let you know what happens, and if they do stop the subscription.
You can purchase several accessories such as car charger, AC wall adapter, and even a charging case.
The starter kit comes with one battery (the long white part of the cigarette), and 2 cartomizers (the filter looking part of the cigarette that holds the nicotine soaked filter and the heating element), 1 USB charger and 1 case to hold the battery and 2 cartomizers.
The Cons
It is a high resistance type. That means you have to suck harder to get anything out of it. Some people like that. I prefer less resistance.
The battery lasts about 6 to 8 hours. Not bad for an e-cigarette, but not great. It takes about 2 hours to charge. That wouldn't be bad if the starter kit came with two batteries, but it only comes with one. That means a 2 hours down time unless you have something to take it's place.
It only comes with a USB charger so unless you are near your computer, and it is on, you can't charge it. Many kits also come with an AC wall adapter that you can plug the USB plug into and charge it anywhere you have an outlet.
Replacement cartomizers are VERY expensive. They don't tell you that you can refill the existing cartomizers, and do not sell the liquids. However, you can buy refill nicotine liquid from any supplier and use it to refill the e-cig cartomizers. There is a limit to how often you can refill a cartomizer before it is spent, however, so you will eventually have to buy some. I have yet to find out if other brand cartomizers fit with this battery. If it is a 501 then there are other options for refills that will cost a LOT less.
The biggest "con" is that the e-cig company automatically enrolls you in a refill subscription before you even have a chance to try the starter kit. They say you can stop the automatic refill by emailing or calling them. I have emailed them. I'll let you know what happens, and if they do stop the subscription.
You can purchase several accessories such as car charger, AC wall adapter, and even a charging case.
I decided to try and quit smoking actual cigarettes by going with an electric cigarette. Commonly known as e-cigs, they have some drawbacks, but are largely a big health improvement over regular tobacco cigarettes.
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